Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Project 365 - Day 31: 101.3

No, not the radio station but my son's fever. This is how he spent the majority of his day:

When my son is sick, he is sick and this virus kicked his you know what! Although he still had a fever by the end of the day, he seemed to stop losing the body fluids (thank heavens -for anyone that can relate to that, you know that cleaning up is not fun). I was able to co-erce him into coming into the living room to watch the Habs vs Blackhawks game! I am hopeful he will be better tomorrow. My sweet boy, my best boy, feel better soon. Love Mommy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Project 365 - Day 30: Happy Birthday, My Girl!

So today was Tana's 9th birthday and the day didn't get off to such a bang up start. It was quite an early start at about 10 to 3 (in the am variety) with her brother throwing up. This occurred every half an hour or so until about 8 am when it tapered off a bit. At that time, she was excited, we were exhausted and her brother was very obviously sick.

None the less, it didn't dampen her enthusiam for the day. After all, its not everyday you turn 9. She got to go out for lunch with her Cha-Cha, we went to Boston Pizza for supper, sans her brother and she proclaimed it "The best Day EVER" because she finally got her heart's desire for her birthday:

The Nintendo DS (Lite) that she's waited so long for. Now she's not the only one in her class who doesn't have one! (and she wasn't the only one who didn't have one). Boy was she excited. Can you see the red eyes, the evidence of the tears of happiness?? There's nothing better than being able to bring a smile to your child's face! Love you lots my girl!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Project 365 - Day 29: Saurus!

Finally!!! Made it to the Dinosaur Dynasty display at the Manitoba Museum today! It took a while to co-ordinate schedules with Tana's friend Jordan who is really into dinosaurs and fossils and such.

The dinosaurs on display are very cool! They came from China and they came from the different "periods" in Earth's history. There was a Protoceratops, a Tuojiangosauruas and a Mamenchisaurus which was *huge*! The kids even got to do a little dinosaur dig and make dinosaur rubbings! Afterwards, we wandered through the Musuem which I enjoyed. 9 years old is a great age. They don't have to be watched constantly and they're not likely to break anything.

But hurry, the dinosaurs are only on display at the Museum until April 19th. For more info, visit the Museum's website at Manitoba Museum.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week 3 Layout - March 15-22 2009

Project 365 - Day 28: The Creative Process!

Well, I was supposed to go to a friend's tonight to do some scrapbooking but man, I felt exhausted so instead, I stayed home. I'm still feeling really tired and I don't know why but I thought I could get a little scrapping done here at home. And here I am, working on Project 365:

Friday, March 27, 2009

Projedt 365 - Day 27: Movie Nite!

I should have taken a picture of the billboard outside but I didn't see it til we left. Tonight was Movie Nite at the school and the feature presentation was Bolt!, a movie that a lot of us haven't seen so it was something to look forward too! Everybody dresses up in their jammies, bring blankets, pillows, stuffed animals and hunkers down in the gym to watch! Since the pictures of the movie didn't work out so well, here's a shot of the mayhem during intermission. The kids seem to go wild and crazy for the 10 or so minutes the lights are on. But all in all, everyone seemed to have a good time.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Project 365 - Day 26: Reading not beating...

... a dead horse. I had thought of posting a picture that depicted our wonderful weather of the last couple of days but ah, decided not to do that.

Instead something which means a bit more. My son reading with his Dad. "Where's My Hockey Sweater" seems to be his new favorite and you know what? He can actually *read* it and we are so pleased about this. We were getting a little worried about his lack of reading but he seems to be enjoying it more and that's just what we want to see!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Project 365 - Day 25: A "prince" of a shirt!

No, its not about puffy shirts from Seinfeld and its not about Prince's shiny shirt's either! Its about spring photos tomorrow and my son's obsession with wearing a "prince" shirt for them.

The idea from this stems from back before Christmas when I jokingly pointed out a dressy shirt, vest and tie combo and said he should wear it. I was kidding, he however, has not forgotten it and combined with the fact that I *think* he wants to be like Troy from High School Musical, he has the idea of wearing a prince shirt. And no, I don't know why he calls it a prince shirt either.

So tonight in the crappy Winnipeg weather, we set out to find him a prince shirt. Had Brownies been cancelled we would not have ventured out and its a good thing as I would have had one disappointed boy on my hands. (Between you and me, I think there's a girl in his class he's trying to impress - too cute)!
We managed to find something at Sears that he was quite happy with and he looks quite handsome, if I do say so myself. Girls, eat your hearts out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 2 Layout - Mar 8-14 2009

Here's my Week 2 layout. I need to come up with a better way of posting my finished layouts, I think. It works but I'm not totally happy with how you can see it here.

Note to Self:

I need more cardstock so I can print off more journaling blocks for Project 365!

Project 365 - Day 24: The Raging Red!

Well its spring time again in Southern Manitoba and spring in this neck of the woods quite often means flooding and this year is no different.

The Red River has its roots down in the United States and the water flows up from Fargo and Grand Forks to empty into Lake Winnipeg north of Winnipeg. The Red is rising very high, very fast. In 1997, we had a severe flooding situation and many communites built up dikes to help protect their properties. Currently it looks like we will have a situation similar to that which occurred in '97. Many of the communities in and around Morris Manitoba will need to be evacuated when they close the dikes in those areas. I have friends there and I feel for them. This is just another way that Mother Nature tells us who is really boss.

To find out the current flood forecast which is being updated daily go here: Flood Forecast
If you want to learn more about the Red River, visit wikipedia at The Red River

Monday, March 23, 2009

Project 365 - Day 23: Published!

So my girl's in print!! We came home today to an envelope in the mail addressed to our girl from Owl magazine. Also in the mail was her latest Owl magazine. When she opened it up (she's always excited to get mail) it was a certificate and a Chickadee magazine. One of her drawings had been published in one of the issues! Yay Tana. The blue dog in the picture is her drawing. We have a celebrity in our midst!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Project 365 - Day 22: Heroes

Today I saw my first flock of geese flying overhead. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture but that's not necessarily a bad thing since I was driving at the time.

Tomorrow is Hero Day at school and the Kindergartners had to make up their own hero's who had to do some good to help people. They had a sheet they had to use to write their super powers and how they helped people. My son really needs work with his printing and here he is writing his stuff in. Making up your own super hero at 5 is hard because they want to be something they already know of like Batman, Flash etc. So Gavin's going to be "Food Finder" who finds food and gives it to people who need it. Kind of corny, I guess but he liked the idea.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Project 365 - Day 21: 6 Kinds of Chili...oh my tummy!

So tonight was the MBGA Annual Meeting combined with a chili and cookie bakeoff! There were 6 different kinds of chili to taste as well as a variety of other foods to eat. Among the beverages I saw the container of tums that someone had the forethought to bring! Thanks to Jaypeg for contributing to my picture of the day! A good time at another MBGA event, as always!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Project 365 - Day 20: First Day of Spring!

Lookin' out my front door on today, the first day of spring. See the grass? And later, it snowed! Lovely.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Project 365 - Day 19: Portfolio Conferences

Grrr, sometimes this program does not want to upload my pictures properly. No matter which way I turn it, it still uploads it this way so alas, I'm not bothering anymore.

Tonight was Portfolio Conferences at school. Some of you might call it Parent-Teacher Interviews. Basically the same thing. I, of course, forgot to bring my camera to take a picture while there but here's a sampling of Tana's work from her Portfolio binder. They had to do a drawing based on the Hamish X book that they read in class.

Both kids are doing well in school and we are very pleased!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Project 365 - Day 18: Prescriptions R' Us!

Between two ear infections (Gavin & Thomas), a fever, cough, and a bronchial infection (Tana), we've spent a lot of money buying medicine this week. Good thing this is all covered and here's hoping everyone feels better soon.

Project 365 - Day 17: Mildly Obsessed

The picture says it all. My obsessed son!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Project 365 - Day 16: The Fever!

Sometimes you have to chronicle the good *and* the bad and today, this was definitely not a highlight in the lives of us. Our little girl had a fever and was sick. No major loss of bodily fluids but she sure wasn't herself and in the case of this fever, I sure didn't have a cure. And its times like these when you realize how much you miss the constant chatter.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

project 365 - Day 15: Zeiebeln

There's something about frying onions that makes a house smell like a home!

Project 365 - Day 14: Snow!

Boots thought it'd be grand to check out the yard and the snow. Apparently being a water cat, she doesn't mind the snow on her paws. This isn't a good thing as it lends herself to sneaking out the doors when open and taking off.

Mar 2-7 Layout (Part 2)

Here's the second half of week one and I cannot get it to upload the proper way. If anybody knows how, I'm all ears!

Mar 2-7 Layout (Part 1)

Okay, so I can't get both shots to upload properly here so I'll have to make another post for the second half of the week. Here's the first half (obviously!)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Project 365 - Day 13: Gettin' Cozy!

As we were relaxing before heading to the Y, it seems that Boots needed some lovin' too so hopped up on top of Gavin, pretty much right on his face as you can tell from the picture. This is one of her favorite spots to cuddle up in and it can be very soothing, as long as you are able to breathe! Gavin felt pretty special that she hopped up to be with him!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Project 365 - Day 12: Gasp! It's Me!

Here I am, the one who's always behind the camera. Here, I'm doing my cardio workout on My Fitness Coach! Do I look thrilled or what?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Project 365 - Day 11: Not Enough Greens?

I thought I was going to post a picture of our onions and how they are sprouting arms and legs (seems we haven't been using our onions lately), but then this came up.

I was making salad's for lunches tomorrow and after taking Boots off the counter about 300 times, I finally let her stay up there. It seems it was the spinach she was after in a big, bad way. Unfortunately, I didn't get the shot of her with her head fully in the bag but you'll notice here that her paw is. She was into my mushrooms too and finally she took off only to come flying back again when I drained the dish water.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Project 365 - Day 10: Basketball

Tonight was Gavin's last basketball practice and involved some parental involvement. Gavin had a great time playing basketball this year and for being 5 and his first time playing, he was sure able to hold his own.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Project 365 - Day 9: The Homework Story

So there's a story to this homework picture. I get to daycare to pick Gavin up and her teacher's called saying Tana's forgotten her homework. Tana's not there, she's at Carmen's so her teacher says she'll phone there. Huh? So I trudge over to the school to get her homework and who comes out, but Carmen's Mom. "What are you doing here?" I ask. Oh, she's picking up Tana's homework. Apparently everybody knows how upset she'll be knowing she's forgotten it.

So, anyways at the Parent Council meeting later, Tana's homework was a topic of conversation. Seems almost *everybody* was aware of the homework incident. But the Principal had a good explanation for the homework panic - the class had a choice to work on their homework or this other project and they chose the other project on the condition that they finished their homework at home. Here's the picture of her finishing her math homework with her Dad. Pictograms, apparently.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Project 365 - Day 8: 40 Years!!

Today's photo comes from the Al Simmons "Symphonic Shenanigans: Al Simmons with the WSO" that we went to go see today! That's him in the center of the picture with a red vest on.

Al is an entertainer who makes up wacky songs, inventions and costumes! We've seen him a few times before and really enjoy his show's. Today's was not disappointing and it turns out that today is Al's 40th Anniversary to *the day* of when he performed his very first show!
Isn't that crazy? He sang a bunch of my favorites and made me laugh heartily!

If you want to learn more about Al visit his website: Al Simmons

P.S. My first week's layout is in progress and I hope to be finished and have it posted soon.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Project 365 - Day 7: The Sleepover

So tonight was the tonight of the birthday sleepover (its gonna be the night to remember). This year I ix nayed the big birthday party. We compromised and decided on a sleepover party with a few friends, which turned out to be 3, and we will have a pool party in the summer but that won't be a birthday party per se. It'll just be a chance for the kids to get together and swim.

But tonight was the 9th birthday celebration. They played Rock Band, made pita pizza's and watched HSM3. Started off in the tent, but ended up on the couch and contrary to popular belief around my workplace about how I should let them stay up til all hours of the night, they were asleep before 11:15. Unfortunately tonight is the night to turn the clocks ahead so I can just imagine what time they'll be up.

(from left to right) Abby, Delaney, Tana & Kylie

Friday, March 6, 2009

Project 365 - Day 6: Spontaneous Sibling Smooches!

As we were at the door ready to head out to the Y, Tana started hugging her brother and giving him some kisses. It was very cute. And a conversation on the way home from the Y:
"Tana, the sun sets and shines on you for your brother, he's your biggest fan"
"Really? Gavin, are you my biggest fan?"
"Uh huh"
"Do you love me?"
"Uh huh"
"Will you give me a million dollars?"
"Uh huh"
"Okay then, give me a million dollars"
"But I don't have a million dollars"

It was quite cute. He sure loves his sister, of that I have no doubt. I hope they always have the close relationship that they share now when they are young and are always there for each other.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Project 365 - Day 5: The Cup!

Here's the cup that generates a lot of comments from those around me and today it got a few so I thought I should immortalize it here. I can fill it with a slurpee *or* water for....wait for it...$1.11 at 7-11. I can't even buy a bottle of water for that price and its twice the amount. I fill it on the water to work with Aquafina Citrus Blend water and it lasts me all day and I get my water intake this way since I have such a hard time drinking just plain water. Now, don't you wish you had one?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Project 365 - Day 4: Hockey

My son is 5 and is obsessed with two things: hockey as in playing with his Dad in the hallway and 2K9 on the Wii. If he's not playing 2K9 he wants to be playing hockey and if he's not playing hockey, he wants to be playing 2K9. So while yesterday's picture centered on my daughter and her love of reading, I thought it only fitting that today's picture was about my son's love too. His sister took this shot and I thought it was better than the one I had.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Project 365 - Day 3: Book Worm

Here's my girl with her nose buried in a book as she often is. Like Mother, like daughter. I took a couple of pictures at different times of the day and put them together to make one.

And, today, I was able to purchase some divider pages. I got the W R Memory Keepers dividers for a 3 ring binder. Now, if only I could get a hold of the 7 Gypsies Naked Binder to use, I'd be in business. In Canada, hard to get a hold of.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Project 365 - Day 2!

So, here's my picture for the day. Its my living room table which no matter how hard I try, never seems to stay clean of clutter. Those meddlin' kids. I had another picture picked out but after looking at it more closely, I realized there was too much personal info that was readable on it and I didn't feel like fiddling around with the picture. It might go into my scrapbook but for our purposes here, this one will do.

The kids also came up with a title for my scrapbook totally by accident! I'm going to call it "A Year in our little corner of the world". I like it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Comes in like a lion...

...and hopefully goes out like a lamb. March that is. I'm seriously tired of winter.

This is my picture for Day 2 - Project 365. We went to the Family Skate with the Moose today. The Moose being Winnipeg's AHL hockey team. They hold a family skate for season ticket holders and my father in law has a mini-pack so qualifies to attend. He's nice enough to include us.

This is a shot of the empty seats in the MTS Centre. I thought it was kind of neat.